Exeter International: Making The Gay Go Away

This broadcast on ShindoTV is brought to you today by Ex-Gay Watch. This comical video shows a skit about someone who’s trying to be straight via Exeter International (which, of course, is a spoof on Exodus International). From a video previously aired on this channel, fiction isn’t necessary to show how crackpot this stuff can really be. Richard Cohen is a real piece of work and Jimmy Kimmel and John Stewart really don’t need to do much to show how ridiculous he really is. Then, there is the spoiled brat tantrum of Dr. Nicolosi (which puts Christopher Guest’s outbursts on Waiting For Guffman to shame). A little scripted comedy is always fun to highlight the absurdity of some things, as the bald ex-gay guy can tell you.
It’s funny. I’ve never objected to barbecues (love them), never had problems talking to mechanics, but I never got into football. It’s not really that hard to follow, but I just never got into it. Yet, these guys get it into their heads that they must make themselves like football. Sorry, I’d much rather watch the players, not the game.

Adopting a perceived idea of masculinity is always interesting, as demonstrated by Richard Cohen, and lightly spoofed by the bald-headed guy. Of course, I have to wonder how many nelly guys there are trying to “straighten” themselves out in churches (or for other reasons, God only knows), but anyone who casually observes them knows they are GAY and gayer than any openly practicing homosexual.

Here’s a more disturbing video. This is not comedy and the young men and women who talk are not actors. This is a brief documentary that exposes the young fundamentalists who code their homophobic campaign as “Telling The Truth In Love.” One is a former student from Poway High (yikes! right in San Diego County) who wore anti-gay messages taped to his t-shirt a few years back. Others are young, suburban WASPy types who may need to get laid instead of worrying about others’ sex lives. Needless to say, this clip calls them on their BS.

The ex-gay guys just need to watch something like Jamie Bamber’s towel nearly falling off. If they say it doesn’t do anything for them, they’re lying.

One thought on “Exeter International: Making The Gay Go Away

  1. Lamentably, tragically, horribly, as long as homosexuality is considered “deviant” behavior, there will be those who seek to find a “scientific” solution for the “problem.”There are still people out there who believe that there is an anthropological justification for racism, and let’s not forget that we can disprove evolution by looking at a jar of Skippy peanut butter. (Seriously — I don’t remember quite where I saw that, but this is the latest Creationist, erm, intelligent design research finding.)What gets me — far more than the laughable attempts to prove any of this using science that is so flawed that it barely merits the name — is that people still lap this stuff up and believe it, hook, line, and sinker. After all, as Jesus said in the Book of Rufus 14:9: “Believest thou allt that thou shallt read upon the Inter Web without Question, for only the Truth shall prevail upon it.”

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